Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hassel –free land, business –friendly govt and infrastructure drive Tata to Gujarat

Even before the Tatas had announced their decision on pulling out from Singur – or not – Gujarat Chief Minister Narender Modi had asked officials in the stste’s industry and revenue departments to find 1000 acres that could be made immediately available for the Nano plant .The effort paid off.

Ratan Tata said that a land near a sleepy town in Gujarat would build the world’s cheapest car, with a price tag of Rs 1 lakh .

The decision reinforces the investor –friendly image of Gujarat and its Chief minister. It would also help the Tata group to expand its presence in one of the country’s fastest growing and most prosperous states.

At least four other states held talks with Tata motors to relocate the nano plant from Singur in Weat Bengal to their territories. Gujarat scored because it moved -so quickly,so efficiently and with so much enthusiasm, said Tata. It’s the speed with which everything was provided, particularly land.

The decision was also guided by the state’s well-developed infrastructure network, particularly its highway system and reliable power supply.

regards Apoorva

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